放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2010-01-15
核心提示:ninety-nine out of every 100 packed lunches being eaten by primary school children are reported to be unhealthy and failing to meet nutritional standards. so what should a healthy lunch contain and what foods should be left out? according to advice

    ninety-nine out of every 100 packed lunches being eaten by primary school children are reported to be unhealthy and failing to meet nutritional standards.

    so what should a healthy lunch contain and what foods should be left out?

    according to advice from the food standards agency,a healthy packed lunch should include:

    ? meat, fish or a dairy source of protein

    ? starchy carbohydrate, such as a wholegrain sandwich, to provide energy

    ? at least one portion each of a fruit and vegetable or salad

    ? water or milk to drink, but diluted fruit juice and yoghurt drinks or smoothies are acceptable

    the key foods to avoid are:

    ? sweets and chocolate

    ? snacks, like crisps, with added salt/sugar/fat

    ? sugary and fizzy drinks

    ? deep-fried foods and processed meats

    ? white bread - if children won't eat brown, try whole white sliced bread

    nutritional standards for school meals were introduced in 2006 and standards for vending machines, breakfast clubs and tuck shops came into force a year later.

    in 2008, strict nutrition content guidelines for primary schools were introduced and extended to secondary schools in september 2009.



    1. 鱼、肉、富含蛋白质的奶类

    2. 富含碳水化合物的淀粉,象提供能量的全麦三明治

    3. 水或牛奶饮品,稀释的果汁、酸奶饮料或水果冰砂也可


    1. 甜食、巧克力

    2. 零食,象含盐、糖、脂肪的薯片

    3. 含糖并带气泡的饮料

    4. 过度油炸食品和经过加工处理的肉类

    5. 白色面包--如果孩子不喜欢棕色面包便选择了纯白的切片面包



关键词: 健康
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